"The Crossing" Video by Andrés Miguel Cervantes
Directed by Peter Belkin
Starring Andrés Miguel Cervantes and Janice Tanaka
"The Crossing" is a based on a true story, written by Andrés Miguel Cervantes. The song depicts his father's journey crossing the U.S. - Mexican border with his brother, who died during the journey, at the hands of the U.S. Border Patrol.
Dedicated to Jesus Antonio Cervantes (1954-2002) and Apolinar (Cachin) Cervantes (1960-1982)
From the full length album, "The Crossing" by Andrés Miguel Cervantes.
Recorded & Produced by Alicia Vanden Heuvel. Released on Speakeasy Studios SF 2022.
Written by Andrés Miguel Cervantes. Published & Copyright by Speakeasy Studios SF